
The causative event for the separated existence of a spiritual entity was either dissociation from the Creator Spirit or union or entanglement of several micro-entities to a new macro-entity.

Separation from the Creator Spirit causes the constant desire for reintegration with the Creator Spirit. This urge continues until the individual is reintegrated.

As we have learned, a human individual consists of a ExperienceEntity and a BodyEntity who are entangled in a special manner.


This basic urge for reintegration is the cause of evolution of  the universe because Cosmos urges for reintegration with the knowledge continuum.

Cosmos has passed his driving without limitation to the ExperienceEntity of the individuals of the species Homo Sapiens. This is the cause of many of our sub-goals in life:

  • Urge for closeness with other ExperienceEntities.
  • Special urge towards ExperienceEntities that would make one’s consciousness complete (opposites attract each other).
  • There is the possibility of short-term unification with another ExperienceEntity with subsequent lifelong special entanglement with this ExperienceEntity. This is known by adults as “The Great Love”.
  • Pursuit of group formation.
  • I want to know more.
  • I want to belong to something bigger.
  • I want to belong with much.

All these objectives cause an increase of awareness of unity for the ExperienceEntity and is therefore experienced as very positive.

The direct reintegration with our Creator could only succeed if we would have the same state of consciousness as he has. This is not achievable for a man, as we are limited in our learning speed (Millers magical number). But in principle we try this during our lives.

Since we have in us this desire from the beginning but do not have a knowledge of life or our Creator, we have a relentless drive towards the first person we perceive. We want to be as close as possible and as long as possible, because we still believe it is our creator.

Here exists also a special form of great love that we call “Mother Love”. Here also happens an entanglement of two entities holding the whole life.

This is not just about food intake that is requested by our BodyEntity. It is about the fundamental feeling of wanting to be one again with our Creator. This impulse motivates us all life developing our consciousness.

Unfortunately, the knowledge of these relationships in our cultural sector is not widespread. I’m probably even the first person on this earth who sees the association.

In our intellectual worldview their is no knowledge about this. But we all follow our emotions that cause us to go this route. This also works with every primitive people.

But without the knowledge of these relationships, it is too easy, that we gain behaviors with which we experienced good emotions and are now hoping to get them again and again by repeating the behaviour. This is an aberration. This is only useful as long ever new variations are tried. Othrwise we turn in circles and repeat only already experienced. It would be better to try out something new.

Only the path of constant evolution of our state of consciousness can constantly offer new good emotions. It is the cosmic way, because we have the same urge as cosmos. This is the reason driving the people who are called “adrenaline junkees”. They ignore the largely worried BodyEntity and try their ways of constantly expanding.


The BodyEntity has a limited, but special part of urge to support Cosmos desire to explore the Ur-idea of ​​Homo Sapiens.

  • The goal is to preserve the species Homo Sapiens alive.
  • The greatest possible number of individuals helps to pursue the goal above.
  • A reasonable range of variation of the living individuals ensures the survival of the species with rapid environmental changes.
  • Covering all areas of the earth also ensures the survival of the species to local disasters.
  • The single individual requires a minimum set of effective behavioral programs to ensure the survival of sufficient individuals.
  • This minimal set is being developed in childhood between BodyEntity and ExperienceEntity .
  • Penetration of the Ur-idea ​​Homo Sapiens begins with the transfer of responsibility for the whole person from the BodyEntity to the ExperienceEntity at puberty.

The remain in safe, predictable behavior is loved by our BodyEntity . A great treasure on behaviors that generate a maximum safe environment, are preferred (birds of a feather flock together).

The BodyEntity loves conservatives, the known, the calculable. The BodyEntity seeks for maximum power in the existing environment, to guarantee a long life and a good environment for the individual and for the next generation.

Unknown, new and strange always has the potential to be harmful to the individual. Therefore BodyEntity gives the ExperienceEntity negative feelings when the person is confronted with unknown situations.

The BodyEntity places here on the safe side and offers to the ExperienceEntity only these behaviors to which it has applied in the past with suffient succesful result. These are the behaviors of caution, rejection, aggression or even escape. The last resort is playing dead.

The current behavioral options are strongly influenced of what experiences the individual had made with new and strangers as a child. We can always act only with already existing practices at the beginning of a new situation.

But we are all able to learn and set up new meaningful behavior if we dare us to engage in a new behavior which always entails a certain risk.

Are we cowards or are we courageous?


How did you decide during your live? Do you prefer the objectives of the BodyEntity? Then you might be rich on comercial resources.

Or do you prioritize the objectives of your ExperienceEntity and wants to develop the state of your consciousness continually to guarantee a fully lived life?