
The theory of being is based on a spirit universe in which only spirit entities interact.

Evolution is continually increasing diversity in the universe. Evolution is not limited to life on Earth. Evolution starts with the beginning of the universe.

Diversity always involves variety of Ur-ideas and the diversity of its concrete expressions in the universe.

The three-dimensional space is such an Ur-idea. It is a presentation space of spirit entities in the universe, which all share. The universe is a separate knowledge space of the Great Spirit, which I call cosmos.

Kosmos is no omniscient being. On the contrary, at the beginning of its existence it has no knowledge. But he has all the necessary and sufficient skills to develop.

Eventually he creates the universe, which is that special knowledge space in his mind, where the dissociations of his mind (ExperienceEntities) are interacting in order to verify his vague knowledge to achieve better knowledge.

Through new insights based on the universe process, new ExperienceEntity get more degrees of freedom, new skills, new knowledge, to unite more and more complex spiritual beings or to entangle. The rules for each species have not been there from the beginning. They have developed based on the knowledge of cosmos.

Evolution of the universe is the constant recognition of ever new Ur-idea and their concrete, discrete finite forms in the universe, which may arise through the enhanced capabilities of the existing entities. The evolution and variations of the entities in the universe have the goal to understand these Ur- ideas completely.

Therefore, diversity is the greatest measure for the evolution of the universe. Constantly increasing diversity also means that the universe must grow, it must grow the number of Ur-entities.

This also means that all complex entities that no longer contribute to the diversity must dissociate again or need to decouple, thereby increasing the diversity of the subordinate level of evolution.

Evolution will end when the cosmos has reached the knowledge continuum.

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