My Consciousness

What is consciousness?

I know that my conscious mind is the only thing whose existence I am certain. I can not explain it other than to say that it exists. Only in my mind, I can perceive everything. Without consciousness there exists nothing for me, not a wooden cube, not my body, no other living beings, no earth, no universe, no matter, no movement, no space, no time, no emotion, no life. Only in my mind, I can ever experience, recognize and understand something.

Therefore, I do not know if there is matter without awareness. However, if we can explain matter with consciousness, then we are probably close to reality.

Therefore I disconnect in my theory of being my awareness capability from my body. My consciousness is in my consious mind which I call ExperienceEntity. I call my body BodyEntity to distinguish both. Both together are the person Peter.


We do not yet know exactly what our consciousness is and what exakt capability it has. Our consciousness seems to exist only when it is connected to our body. The medical science seems to be capable to turn off our consciousness.

Awareness is supposedly turned off in general anesthesia, the BodyEntity still controls the body functions and thus very heavy operations can be performed on the body that would otherwise lead to traumatic sequelae.

Depending on the depth of anesthesia, first relaxes the muscles, which can be controlled by our ExperienceEntity and then the muscles, which are controlled by our BodyEntity so that even breathing has to be mechanically supported.

According to my theory of being, my ExperienceEntity has absolutely no substantive representatives in the body, therefore, no substantive anesthetic substance can switch off the consciousness of my ExperienceEntity. By anesthetic substances the tasks of the BodyEntity are disturbed.

They probably prevent the BodyEntity to inform the ExperienceEntity about the relevant processes in the body, or they might only prevent the update of memory in brain? So the ExperienceEntity will be unable to retrieve information about the period of operation?

More likely is that the signals of the relevant receptors are blocked to reach the upper layers of our cognitive memory. This means, that our BodyEntity has no reason to request an decission of our ExperienceEntity.

For this reason, an update of the memory is not necessary, since only the willfully decissions of the ExperienceEntity are stored in memory. Therefore, there is then no memory over this period. We cannot remember, what happend.


We employ our lives ourselves to develop our consciousness in order to optimize our lives in accordance with our objectives, which always results in an update of our neuronal network accordingly. We try not to repeat unpleasant situations, as we do better in similar situations by recognizing a better behavior.

Because of the small capacity of our working memory, we depend on quick access to our old experiences and knowledge in memory in order to be capable to have an awareness of complex relationships in our working memory.

We can experience life only through the unity with our physical body and at the same time the body saves that experience in our network of nerves. Any experience creates so a larger pool of behaviour options to be flexible for future conflict situations.

It appears that the materialists have somehow right, without matter, we can not participate in life. But only what we realize in our consciousness is our reality of life.

The special entanglement between our BodyEntity and our ExperienceEntity, I consider our psyche. A person as an individual can only be understood as a psychic system.

When does our ExperienceEntity begin to exist? As our ExperienceEntity must have the sense to understand the world and all their findings and experiences are stored encoded in the neural network, it probably makes no sense that our ExperienceEntity is created before our neural network is completed to allow bodily activities and updates of memory.

There is an early childhood amnesia. Most adults can not remember a conscious event before the age of three or four. This must have a meaningful cause. Imagine once, you’ve lost all the memories that you had worked out laboriously from the age of three to an adult. You will still have an awareness, then you are living fully in Now.

You can run, taste, smell, talk and feel. But you can not reflect on what you had done as an adult. You can not judge the consequences of your actions as a three year old, because you can only fall back on the experiences of a three year old. You are then a three year old.

Consciousness without memory is still a consciousness. However, it can not develop, because without a memory there can be nothing added. Without memory you can not see anything again. One can only always have a very first experience.

Our consciousness is so highly dependent on our ability to remember. We recognize the importance of objects, subjects and their interactions only because we had earlier experiences saved. We can only remember earlier findings. Therefore, the question of our consciousness is a question of how can I gain new knowledges and how can I remember them?


My momentary state of consciousness is equated with my current worldview. It is the sum of all my previous knowledge and experiences and my ability to remember them when it is necessary or when I want it.

Every human being carries his individual world view in itself, which he acquired during his life. The main factors influencing this model are based on:

  • Our individual, inherited inner systems appear as a unique combination of instincts and skills and thus pretend already a rough direction of our individual development.
  • Our individual environment forces us dependencies and imposes their ideas on us.
  • Our inner instincts are often not consistent with the requirements of our culture. This leads to conflicts that we have to solve with our investments, if possible in our favor. Thus we are developing.

Without ExperienceEntity we see nothing and can not recognize any idea. Our BodyEntity would be any animal. Without ideas in our ExperienceEntity we can not see or experience anything. Without assessment of our experiences, we can not build a memory. Without memory we can not recognize those ideas. Without our bodies we do not get ideas in our ExperienceEntity. Our physical receptors are all based on reactions between components of matter. Without matter, we therefore do not get ideas from outside our ExperienceEntity in our ExperienceEntity. We experience the effect of matter only in our ExperienceEntity.

The following questions must be answered:

  • Is there consciousness only with matter? My answer is ‘no’.
  • Is there consciousness without matter? My answer is “Yes”.
  • Is there any matter without consciousness? My answer is ‘no’.

Where sits my consciousness?

Up to now, science could not locate the seat of our ExperienceEntity in our brain. Each conscious decision always attracted other areas of our brain, when other conscious decisions are made. There is no region in the brain that is activated for all conscious decisions repeatedly.

On each day of our lives we have met countless, conscious decisions. Even the scratching of your heads is usually a conscious decision that was requested by the conscious experience of an itching, even if we devote  as an adult this process no more attention.

Our brain stores every day these conscious decisions. The vast network of all connections represents our whole conscious life. The brain is the seat of all our personal experience, knowledge, opinions and reviews. Our brain is the directory of our lives, our memories, just as we have shaped it with our personal decisions and experiences. I assume that our ego-consciousness (ExperienceEntity) has no physical representatives.

Also for all the unconscious activities of our body, always other dedicated areas of the brain are activated. For the seat of BodyEntity there are therefore only two possible variants. Either it’s like the ExperienceEntity, not localized in the body or the whole body with all its cells is the BodyEntity, which is the same anyway.

I assume that the BodyEntity is equated with a consciousness that arises from the consciousness of all living cells in our body since all were dissociated from a single cell. The BodyEntity knows all the connections and channels of communication between the individual cells. It knows everything that happens in the bodies and our brains. The BodyEntity is Lord over our bodies, but it is subordinated to the will of the adult ExperienceEntity regarding the external communication.

External communications are always activities that must run with the help of its skeletal muscles of the body. My BodyEntity constantly proposes instructions and my ExperienceEntity, so I, for example, must decide what my body should do. He takes my will. He is secretary of the life of my ExperienceEntity. Everything is logged in my brain by my BodyEntity.

Everything we find particularly interesting and important to us, is kept available for our ExperienceEntity . Our BodyEntity is thus also representative of our whole life in the physical world.


C.G. Jung writes in his book Archetypes in the consideration of the second type of female mother complex, the exaggerated Eros:

The wife of our type directs the hot jet of their Eros on one, overshadowed by the maternal husband and thus aroused moral conflict. But without this, there is no awareness of personality. >But why<, so you will certainly ask, > Man shall à tort et à travers reach higher consciousness?< This question hits the mark of the problem, and the answer is a bit tricky. I can confess rather than a real answer only one kind of faith: I feel it is as if someone would have had to know finally that this wonderful world of the mountains, the seas, the suns and moons, the Milky Way, the Fixsternenebel, the plants, the animals exist in the thousands of millions of years.

When I stand on the Athi Plains in East Africa on a small hill, the many thousands wild herds saw grazing in soundless silence, as they have always done since unimaginable periods, because I had the feeling of being the first man, the first being that alone knew that this is everything. This whole world around me was still in its initial silence and did not know that she was. And it is precisely at this moment, because I knew the world had become, and without this moment they had never been. This purpose examines the nature and finds it fulfilled in man, and always only in the most conscious people. Every smallest step forward on the path of consciousness creates the world.

The moral conflict arises from the fact that the ExperienceEntity the man, the woman has occupied with the archetype of the mother role in his worldview. But his BodyEntity recognizes the signals of the womans BodyEntity that there is a willingness to erotic interaction and generates corresponding erotic feelings in the ExperienceEntity of man.

Conflicts always can complete a little further our worldview and self-image. If the man’s Erlebnisentität would clearly recognize that he does not see the woman as a woman but as an emotional mother. This finding could pick up the conflict.

Our ExperienceEntity is our authority to evaluate conflicts. By small variations of the responses from case to case, it searches the space of possible solutions for the optimum for our objectives. We develop ourselves.

However, to have a conflict, at least two different objectives must collide. Conflicts seem always approaching us from outside our ExperienceEntity. So there is external conflicts, which have different objectives between my ExperienceEntity and another ExperienceEntities. But a conflict can also occur between my BodyEntity representing my self-preservation and sex drive, and my ExperienceEntity which has a conscious worldview that strives to another ideal.

A decision on how the conflict is to be solved, can be decided only by our ExperienceEntity. We will usually opt for the alternative, which is proposed by our BodyEntity which is based on earlier experiences of the ExperienceEntity and was therefore stored in our brain. This may also be contrary to the objectives of our BodyEntity. The resolution of conflicts always falls very individually, because our conscious world and our personal environment are very individually. In this way, the diversity of the behaviors of the people is further increased.

Is this is the core of human evolution? Have we reached our goal, if we manage to carry a conscious worldview in us that has a solution, an appropriate behavior for every conflict. Are we happy when there is no more conflict?

If we start, however, from the fact that man has also a deep desire for knowledge, then we will automatically generate new conflicts. Firstly, because we can satisfy the desire for knowledge only for a short time until the driving force for knowledge loads itself again. Secondly, because we are expanding our worldview by this instinct constantly. But extensions of our worldview are often wrong or just different than that of our environment and thereby causing conflicts with our individual environment.


From C. G. Jung’s statement above and his attitude shows that the whole world only has meaning if it is consciously experienced. This setting, I share with all my heart. However, it would remain to be clarified, which consciousness is necessary to do so. I do not share the human arrogance that assumes that only humans possess consciousness. I think as opposed to C.G. Jung, that any animal that he has observed, has experienced its environment consciously and also has experienced an adequate emotion for it’s peaceful grazing.

The animals may not reflecting on their current situation, since they fully indulge their instincts in experiencing the Now. They always experience their now very intense, they do not think big about it, but they are feeling it. They have no instinct that drives them to new insights. They can only optimize their behavior programs that they need for their gratification. They want to develop no conscious model of the world to be able to be prepare for the morning. Their instincts are sufficient for the Now. Also for Now of tomorrow.

I find very interesting Jung’s last sentence of his statement quoted above: Every small step forward on the path of consciousness creates the world. With this sentence we already are approaching a little to my theory of being.

C.G. Jung

C. G. Jung understands consciousness, the relatedness of mental content to the ego, insofar as they are perceived as such by the ego. Relations with the I, insofar as they are not perceived by the latter as such, are unconscious. Our whole world is of course based on our self-image. What has not been integrated into our worldview, we are currently unaware of. But I believe that there can be awareness without the knowledge of their own selves. All infants experience their existence consciously, without already have an idea of ​​their ego. Without awareness, no development is possible.

C. G. Jung appoints four psychological functions: thinking, feeling, sensing and intuit. I feel this classification as unsatisfactory. It seems to me my model makes more sense that I present below.

I think that we learn through play in our childhood, to identify and apply the individual functions of the psyche, which I refer to as development complexes or just ideas. Through the realization of these features that we can also call character types with specific behaviors. These are stored as a possible patterns of behavior in our memory. We experience what character types are useful for our emotional and intellectual goals. All of them are integrated into our own self-portrait. They integrated into our personality accordingly. They are now readiy available for our ExperienceEntity for considerations, fantasies, action decisions and conflict resolution.

Then it’s only a matter of detail, until we have worked out these character types to use them efficiently. This is controlled primarily by the outer requirements and our inner objectives.


A healthy person develops in the course of its evolution different roles with different proportions of character types. These roles are so something similar to the sub-personalities of a dissociated personality. With the difference, that all the roles are under the control of a single ExperienceEntity who is aware of all different roles.

Each role can contain any type of character or less pronounced. The more character types we integrate them into our self-image, the more diverse we can respond to different conflicts. The better we are able to compile in different roles the more efficient we can respond to the requirements of the environment and our individual goals.

We all have roles for the intimate life, private life, working life and other environments. These roles can be fitted so, for example, that there is only selfish interests in the role of the professional life and no compassion present for other people. In the role of the private lives we still can be very helpful and caring and can enjoy the nearness of other people.

If we repress in our Erlebnisentität certain character types from our self-image, such as for the uninhibited sexuality or uninhibited killing and manage not to merge them with other types of characters in one of our roles so that they can be applied in a socially acceptable manner, they may unconsciously become a dissociated own personality, which may not be controlled by our ExperienceEntity.

Psychology speaks of our shadow. Under a certain load situation when the character types of our self-image is not sufficient to resolve the conflict, the shadow can take control of the person and cause a lot of suffering in the environment.

I think that there are a certain number of character types in the development complexes that are presented in the group consciousness of humanity. It depends on its individually different starting conditions and its individual social milieu how strong each character type within the individual self-image is present and how smart the ExperienceEntity has learned to use them for conflict resolution.

I believe that the allocation of a person into a number of personalities is more common than science believes. There are all possible varieties of dissociation or non-integration possible and will certainly occur. It can be very useful for a individual to move certain parts of a personality into an independently acting part personality. We all do this to some extent, if we live roles.

All military organizations in the world train their soldiers to integrate a heartless role with absolute destruction will in their self-image. They often rape their own personality in the faith, to do something good for their community, by displacing the merciful, the compassion for others, the human personality from this role.

Most people with active wartime experiences then require a long-term psychotherapy to achieve mentally health again.

The sum of all lived roles represents our personality, just as we are perceived by our environment. But because individuals rarely experience all our roles, we are also perceived differently by different people.

The integration of all types of characters in a single personality makes us a mental generalists. The advantage lies in the respective optimum reaction from the overall view of all parts of the personality.

This seems to me a necessary condition for further evolution to be towards more complex ExperienceEntities. The price of this Optimum, is the slowness of reaction, which can be partly compensated by meaningful automation by our BodyEntity.

I think that at the beginning of our mental development in childhood, the individual character types are recognized, experienced and tried as a separate sub-personalities. They will gradually be combined with each other in a next development step while tested playfully.

If very painful, excruciating experiences need to be processed in this stage of development, then it seems to make sense or it is impossible to integrate the individual character types in his own self-image. The painful experiences are associated with a part-personality which can be kept in the back and other part-personalities stay in the front for other well being life.

The experienced Character types of the aggressor are not integrated. These types are now displaced and they will push much later to the front. Without the timely and playful integration of these character play in the own self-image, they can overload the Erlebnisentität at some point. This is the time when the victim becomes a perpetrator himself. Many abused victims abusing others later.

Dissoziative Identity Disorder (DID)

People with DID did not achieve the association of all experienced development complexes in a single self. It seems that their experiences make it seem useful or necessary to have different sub-personalities act separately. The highest principle seems here to maximize pleasure and minimize displeasure of the ExperienceEntity.

If consciousness can dissociate, then the opposite is also possible. The opposite of dissociation is the expansion of consciousness. This can be done by re-integration of dissociated units or through knowledge of new consciousness content.

Even a short-term merger of several entities is conceivable to establish a new ExperienceEntity. This close relationship is perceived by the entities involved as nearness along with the emotions associated. Advanced ExperienceEntity can produce this intense communication required for entanglement. Maybe so do the metazoan? One has then to agree that a small single-celled organisms possess consciousness to be used for their life fulfilling.

Depending on the degree of entaglement, we feel this nearness of other people ExperienceEntity as good atmosphere, friendship or even love.

  • I am aware, therefore I am!
  • It is aware, so it is!
  • It is, so it is aware of!

What awareness really is, no one can say for sure. The theory of being assumes that each consciousness is ultimately a dissociation of the maximum awareness, whether it was dissociated from the absolute consciousness which is named the KnowledgeContinuum or of an already dissociated ExperienceEntity.

Human consciousness is the ability through diffrent conscious mental states to have thoughts, emotions, perceptions, knowledge and memories. Everyone can certainly say something about his own consciousness and perhaps beyond this, some deduce as universally valid for all people.

Everyone experiences that its capacity is limited. No one has all his life in direct access within its ExperienceEntity. Everyone needs access to his memory outside of its ExperienceEntity to remember the past. Every human ExperienceEntity certainly has different abilities in combination with its entangled BodyEntity

Because many parameters are in nature of a normal distribution, it certainly makes sense to assume that there is also a variation of the skills of dissociated ExperienceEntities. The different abilities of ExperienceEntities make up the individuals of a species. But they are also the cause of the different types of ExperiencEntities (species), which are characterized by very large differences in skills and states of consciousness.

What can cause a person to learn about other ExperienceEntities? We assume that all Information, all ideas the ExperienceEntity can perceive comes from the BodyEntity, even the emotions, which tell us, if we are on the right track.

Our ExperienceEntity can only purely intellectually conclude to the content of the consciousness of other ExperienceEntites by their activities related to other entities. The way how one ExperienceEntity  reacts to another ExperienceEntity activities says certainly something about the skills and potential of both states of consciousness. How they do influence each other says something about their goals, their skills and their mental states.

All ExperienceEntity, except the KnowledgeContinuum, have limited abilities, each species has naturally limited abilities to perceive other entities and therefore limited opportunities to interact with them. This corresponds to reality in human life.


Man is part of the process of evolution. He lives in feedback with the other sub-processes of evolution. He works with these other threads to a maximum contribution to the evolution. Our instincts push us to constantly take part in this process. If we do not, then we will die soon.

I can simultaneously hold only 7 -2 information units within my ExperienceEntity. My ExperienceEntity is the center where I can influence this evolution process. I constantly work consciously and unconsiously in the definition of short-term, medium-term and long-term objectives to be pursued. If my  ExperienceEntity would not do it, my animal BodyEntity alone would determine and decide according to its individual determination of life.


If I look into myself, I can devide my ExperienceEntity into two distinct areas. In every moment of my present, there is a big area which includes only vaguely fuzzy information about my current existence. It basically consists of my current stream of sensations delivered by my BodyEntity which moves through my consciousness.

This area is somehow the sum of my persent in a complete recording, which is not static but contains the dynamics of the moment and is constantly changing. I always live just now, in a stroke of my senses. In this area is the information that belongs to my Now. There is always information which I could put more awareness to it.

In this big awareness area of Now, there is a small area that I would describe as the focus of my consciousness. It works much like a magnifying glass. I can willingly use this magnifying glass to analyze in more detailed the individual elements there. During this process this area is more important. More awareness is put to it. All information in memory belonging to it is searched for.

The importance of information in this focus of consciousness, I can make more conscious only when I had already recognized the importance of this information in the past, to thereby be deposited in my memory. Remembering always means to experience again. If I recognize something, My BodyEntity has found the meaning of my senses information in my memory and made me aware of it.

Analysing a situation means asking your BodyEntity if there is a memory about it. By this question I become more aware of meaning of the details in this focus of consciousness. Everything in there is much more intense because everything in there has a intens meaning to my goals. It is loaded with more meaning for my existence.

More areas there are not in my consciousness. The content of these areas, however, can be changed very quickly. I can focus my consciousness on a particular area of ​​my Now. I also can keep my consciousness focus analysing my past and use this to consciously fantasizing or daydreaming. This process, we call thinking.

However, there is also the possibility that the contents of these areas are determined by my BodyEntity. This is always the case when my BodyEntity tells me something I have not asked for. It urges me by putting the feelings of hunger, thirst, etc. in my focus of consciousness. If the feeling of fear is communicated, then my attention is immediately drawn to the cause of fear.

My ExperienceEntity is now aware of the reason for fear. When I realize the threat, my BodyEntity has recognized the danger approximately 0.3 seconds earlier. If the risk is too great and a reaction is required very urgent, waiting 0.3 seconds for a decision by the ExperienceEntity could be deadly, then the BodyEntity responds on its own. This happens only in an emegency situation.

This is the reason why we can not remember after a fall what we have done during the fall. The ExperienceEntity decided nothing. Therefore, no update to the memory was required, therefore the ExperienceEntity has no access to information about these activities.


What kind of information can there be in these areas? Everything we receive through our senses, information can be divided into two categories. Meaningful information and content without significance for our Now. The importance of information has been identified and saved in an earlier realization and saving process.

Important meanings become aware faster than unimportant. New information that we have been recognized as neither important nor unimportant, have the greatest importance for us and therefore are placed directly by the BodyEntity in the focus of our ExperienceEntity .

New information is always experienced very intense. They produce either great joy or a very unpleasant sensation or even anxiety, depending on our previous experience with new information content. Unknown can cause anxiety.

Unknown objects, such as new landscapes generate positive feelings, unfamiliar subjects like strange animals and strangers create more fear, at least caution. This is the cause of xenophobia. This new information is always provided with great importance and accordingly experienced and stored.

When analyzing the information of the senses with meaning it is always connected to other ExperienceEntities and their relationships. Apart from the present sensory information we are still aware of our feelings and emotions. Feelings always seem to be associated with the relationships between entities. The emotions that are connected with the experience with these entities decide on the importance. We will experience this improtance again, if we recognize the information again.

The relationships of entities to me are much more important than relationships among other entities. It is always the relationship between ExperienceEntities that are of interest. Thus we learn to assess their possible behavior. We remember easily what is of interest to our existence.

If I had no knowledge of my ego, then many relationships were not so important for me. If I want to survive, then I must have an understanding of the delineation of my ego. I must know about my differention to others and it must be important for me to survive.

If I see myself only as part of a major whole, then the higher goal could also be that the major whole must survive. Then the survival of my ego or the individual is no longer such important. This is certainly the case in many animals, such as the ant. In any case, this applies similarly for each of our body cells.