Millers magical Number 7

The magical number 7 refers to the fact that a person is only capable to hold 7 ± 2 pieces of information (chunks) present in short term memory. This magical number was determined by George A. Miller. The size of the short-term memory is genetically determined and can not be increased by “training”.

The range ± 2 is the variation that is found among humans.

Das Problem

This scientific fact that our consciousness (short-term memory) can only simultaneously capture 7 ± 2 meanings is not sufficient appreciated in the current conceptual model of man of science psychology.

This strong limitation of our mental and intellectual abilities makes it necessary to have an mind-external memory were we need very fast access to in order to have or build capabilities for survival.

This memory of our life is our body, especially the brain, where all expressions of our will during live are stored.

We urgently need a better mental model of how man works.