
Here I try to give some assistance to make it easier to understand my theory:


You must always be aware that really everything what you experience, feel, think, understand, wish and desire, you only experience in your consciousness, in your mind.

This awareness of your spirit can not be explained by the scientific standard model of matter.  Therefore I separate this ability of experiencing from the physical body (the BodyEntity) and arrange them on a separate ExperienceEntity.

Using this model of two entities for humans, I could explain all the peculiarities of human experiences.

For this reason, it was finally obvious that the BodyEntity is also a spiritual entity because it requires communication between ExperienceEntity and BodyEntity to explain the realities of our being.

Therefore I conclude everything is spirit.

Urges & Goals

We humans have an urge driving us constantly to reach certain goals in life. On closer analysis, there are two different urges that make up our humanity.

It is our survival instinct and our desire for knowledge. It has then shown that these two urges match very well with our two spirit entities BodyEntity and ExperienceEntity.

Why should this not apply similarly to all other entities in the universe? Only that these pursue other goals with the help of their species-specific urge.

So everything in the universe happens between spiritual beings in a spirit universe. Even matter entities are spirit entities that pursue a species specific goal during their existence in the spirit universe.

Evolution & Ur-Ideas

Then of course it raises the question of why are there the different entities with different goals? And what are their different objectives? How are these objectives structured and why?

If you think a little about you will come to the conclusion that all these different objectives can be represented by very different Ur-ideas. And that the life of these different entities and their variety of phenomena exist for the reason to realize these Ur-ideas in universe providing understanding for this Ur-idea as a whole.

Upon further consideration of these relationships, you will see that the whole universe is a single cognitive process, which has in the course of evolution of the universe recognized these different Ur- ideas and realized them for further analysis.

You will continue to recognize that these Ur-ideas are all networked together. That each of these Ur-ideas have a specific unique core and that their many different forms have always something to do with the fact that they have different connections to other Ur-ideas with their individual characteristics.

It looks as if all Ur-ideas cover an infinitely large space of diversity.


Because of the presumed infinity of these Ur-ideas, it is always necessary to implement the single Ur-ideas in small pieces, to see their different links to other Ur-ideas and their implications.

Therefore, there is the great variety of all entities in the universe, although constantly changing but always strives to remain as large as possible.

For this reason, we humans are very limited. The internal working memory of our ExperienceEntity is been limited to 7+-2 meanings by our Creator. Therefore, we need a memory outside our ExperienceEntity to be able to develop slowly but in a meaningful way.

This external memory is managed by our BodyEntity. Our brain is the control center of this memory. It contains all of our experiences and our choices of our whole life.

Our BodyEntity is a separte individual spirit entity which is entangled in a special way with our ExperienceEntity. We can act in the spirit universe only with the help of our BodyEntity.

Great Spirit

Now, of course, raises the question, what’s the point? Makes the whole sense? The whole thing makes sense if we assume that there is a great spirit who sets the rules for all entities.

The different degrees of freedom of the individual types of entities make sense if the Great Spirit wants to promote the diversity of interactions between these different entities to eventually gain new knowledge from unexpected interactions of the relationships between the relevant Ur-ideas.

This would permit immediately to the conclusion that the Great Spirit has the same urge as our  ExperienceEntity, namely the desire for knowledge.

The Great Spirit also strives constantly for new insights. The final product of unremitting intelligence, I call the knowledge continuum.

The knowledge continuum contains all possible insights. It contains all the Ur-ideas through any forms. It contains all which could exist. It also includes all contradictory. There is nothing outside of the knowledge continuum.

The knowledge continuum is what I call God. Everything else is mentally smaller. This also means that the Creator of the universe is not omniscient.

Although he is almighty, because the whole universe exists only in his mind. After all, even the Ur-idea of ​​three-dimensional space is just an idea which is realized by spirit entities in the spirit universe.


For the realization of a spirit universe, a spirit entity must have the ability to dissociate from itself separate spirit entities, without reducing its intellectual potential.

Even we humans have this ability. This ability becomes visible at mentally highly stressed children by overwhelming violence who dont know how to cope with that situation differently than to develop various sub-personalities for different areas of life. The most violated sub-personality could be kept in background to keep the bad experience from continuing presence.

Psychology call this Personality Disorders. If children can produce this  unconsciously, why should a great spirit not bring it about specifically and deliberately?

A spirit entity that can dissociate endless separate spirits without weakening itself seems to be a definition of infinity.

This is also evidence that spirit has the potential of infinity in itself and is therefore specifically capable to take the knowledge continuum in itself.