Why do I understand?

Throughout my life, I have accumulated a lot of understanding of my environment and my individual reality. I use constantly my earlier understanding stored in my memory to evaluate my current situation to try my best to meet my short-term goals of my next activities.

Thi works only, because I carry around an immense treasure of already experienced and imaginary situations which I understand in this way as I have judged them in the past.

The fact that we can attach a meaning to most of what is happening around us is based on our  understanding about everything in relation to ourselves.

We judge always everything what is happening around us. Is it dangerous for us or is it promising  more fulfillment of our goals?

This capability is not to explain with the current standard model of matter, which the physics considers inexplicable as complete.  Another model is needed to explain our understanding.

One can leave the model definition to religious organisations (churches, sects, etc.). But humanity does not advance by this.

If we assume that our understanding is stored by the way our neurons (nerve cells) are linked together, then we have to ask who understood this experience before the linkage was made. The medical science says that it takes quite a while to provide new linkages between neurons.

Thus, who understood this in the first place and where was that understanding stored until the proper neurons were linked together?

Our body with its billion neurons can therefore be only our memory. The control how those billions neurons are connected, why and how must be decided by an another, a superior authority, by the BodyEntity.

The scientific investigations of our brains prove that we need neuron activiites for all our physical and mental activities. If all our understanding and all our abilities to act is encoded in the links of our neurons, then the higher instance who decides to activate must not be outside this network or always on top of it.

I consider myself as an ExperienceEntity which sees the ExperienceEntity as a purely spiritual entity with the potential to understand everything. My ExperienceEntity however is entangled with my BodyEntity in an unknown manner. Without my body, I can not participate in life in the universe.

So there must be a reason why my existence in the universe with my body was necessary and possible.

The Problem

The main problem of our current conceptual model about the reality of the world is that we have none at all. We have many different. There is currently no theoretical model that supports both our undeniable spirit, as well as the findings of physics.

We urgently need an all-encompassing model of thought that the positions of materialists, as well as that of the spiritualists unites. It must unite religion and science, then it will also unite the religions.