7- Ur-Idea: Space

To: Henrik Ehrsson – Karolinska Institute, Sweden

Dear Professor Ehrsson,

The three-dimensional space is something, everybody thinks he understands it. Everyone experiences daily a three-dimensional space. But how does this understanding come into our consciousness. How can an infant understand, that certain muscle movements have something to do with a movement in threedimensional space? How does he learn that his two-dimensional vision is a view of a three-dimensional space? He must understand the Ur-idea 3D space before he can understand movement. Who does it explain to him before he can speak?

Let’s look at some different variants of the Ur-idea of ​​threedimensional space.

  1. The threedimensional mathematical real coordinate space (R3).
  2. What physicists belief.
  3. Our individual ​​threedimensional space.
  4. Space in Final Theorie
  5. The threedimensional space on the edge of a fourdimensional space.

The Ur-idea of threedimensional space is the major Ur-idea which enables a punctiform spiritual entity to envision its own descrete existence and to envision also the descrete existence of all other punctiform entities. There exists always an infinite number of points between any two points in R3. This assures distance to everyone. Most relations and all processes among entities in universe are explained by using this Ur-idea of a threedimensional space.

The Real Coordinate Space (R3)

The mathematical idea of ​​the threedimensional real space (R3) is taught in schools and universities. The idea is based on a 3D rectangular coordinate system. The three coordinates are number lines of real numbers. They are perpendicular to each other, ranging from minus infinity to plus infinity. At point zero, the coordinates intersect. Each point in R3 is represented by 3 real numbers on these coordinates.

The mathematical idea of ​​threedimensional space is a product of the human mind, born by the desire to understand and to be able to calculate everything.

This mathematical idea does not correspond to our real experience of space. There are some special features in R3, which can not be reconciled with our personal experience of space:

  • Looking at any different two numbers (points) on the number line, no matter how close they are to each other, then between these two numbers (points) still lies an infinitely long series of real numbers (points). There are no two adjacent points in R3.
  • Consider any two points in R3, then they are always separated from one another. Everything is separated by an infinity.
  • R3 is inwards infinitely fine structured . R3 is infinite large outwards.

This means that a continous movement of a photon from point A to point B has to pass any point in between. The photon will never reach point B, due to infinity numbers of points in between. Moving between to discrete points is only possible if the photon is capabale of teleporting. A spiritual entity however who wants to alter his position in space needs only to envision the new position and it will be there, because it has changed his mind to reflect its new position. To form the space as a reliable playground, the ceator of the universe has limited each photon to its personal steplength for altering its spatial position from one universal beat to the next beat.

What Physicists beliefe?

Physics tells us that the whole universe consists of individual punctiform quantum matter like photons, elektrons, positrons and neutrinos. Various quarks are considered responsible to build up the mass of atoms. Quarks are not yet verified by tests.

Physicists consider all matter entities as dead entities having no consciousness or any other spiritual capabilities. Physicists belief, that every experience humans can have, are based on matter capabilities.

Physicists use the real coordinate space (R3) with a unit size to measure and calculate relations among matter entities.

All matter in the universe have a spatial related effect on other matter particles. The size of the spatial effect of a particle can be measured only relative to the size of the effect to other particles in space. Measuring is always compairing. There is no absolute standard. All physical statements are therefore relative statements, because space is already made relative.

Physics can not proof, if a space would exist if there were no matter. Space can only be experienced and measured by the existence of matter that have a relative spatial relationship to other matter. Physics finds no solid bodies in the smallest, just punctiform entities.

The punctiform entities photons, electrons and positrons are considered responsible for most physical effects. All physical effects are relative spatial effects. Atoms are considered as the most stable construct forming matter. An atom has a core made of neutrons and protons. Neutrons consist of various quarks and protons consist of quarks and positrons.

The number of neutrons and protons in the core build the mass of the atoms. The atom core is sorrounded by various shells of electrons shielding the core from other particles. The diameter of the electron shield is about 10000 times larger than the core diameter. The number of electron shield layers surrounding the core depends on the number of protons in the core. 

This means that matter consists mainly of empty space between the atom cores and its electron shields.

Physics tells us, that there are relatively few (about 118) different kinds of atoms. They all have different capabilities (properties) to interact with other atoms. With these few species, all substances in universe with all their different capabilities (features) are formed. The most important parameter for their chemical capabilities is the number of electrons used to form its outer most shielding layer.

Scientists believe currently that all atoms are composed of only 17 different small matter entities (quanta). Where the term “composite” is not always understood as a spatial agglomeration of separate room units. For instance, under certain circumstances, two strong photons can become an electron and a positron or vice versa by a unification and dissoziation process. And Neutrons are made by unification of various quarks.

Physicists call the spatial effect of a partical a field. In case of a punctiform particle like an electron, they tend to consider the field as the real entity, because of its missing body. Scientists have a hard time to accept something as real if it has no spatial body.

Physicists beliefe that our spatial universe has started as a punctiform entity with all matter energy of today already inside. Then this punctiform universe has expandet to the size of today wherby all the current matter structures have been arranged by the laws of nature. 

Our individual threedimensional Space

All people can only envision a threedimensional space. Mathematicians know of n-dimensional spaces. They can calculate with it, but no human can imagine a fourdimensional space.

Our experienced space is not a real coordinate space (R3), it is different. Our experienced threedimensional space is all finite. The inwards infinity of a R3 is not experienced. The outwards infinity of the universe is not verifiable. All material structures we see or feel, show no gaps or holes in it.  We experience our own body as a continuous, coherent structure, with no spatial gaps in it.

The infinite number of points between any punctiform matter entity in universe forming an atom is not experienced. The infinite number of points between the edges among any neighboring atoms are not experienced by physics nor by our mind. All movements we experience are smooth without jumps or teleporting effects. The infinity between two points is not experienced at all.

We all learn the idea of a threedimensional space very early in our lifes. We need to understand the 3D idea in order to understand, what the result of a muscle activation means to move an arm. Who is telling the babies the idea of a 3D space without speaking. Babies learn to move earlier than to speak.

Space in Final Theorie

The Ur-idea of a threedimensional space was one of the very early abstract knowledge the creator of the universe has achieved by dissoziating many spiritual entities to set them alive by making all of them separated  in a zerodimensional space. Each of them has a consciousness of being separated to all others. One might feel a different distance to each other. Over these feelings, feeling different distances to every one comes the understanding of the Ur-idea threedimensional space.

All spiritual entities are punctiform entiites which live in a zerodimensional space. They exist only within the consciousness of a greater spirit. All spiritual matter entities understand the Ur-idea of a 3D space when they become dissoziated to the universe. If they unite or entangle with each other, their understanding of 3D space gets even stronger.

Every spiritual matter entity has an consciousness, has an understanding of his own relative position to others within the common understanding of the 3D space. They do not know about any coordinates or measure units. They feel their indivudual relative distances to each other matter entity in universe.

The common consciousness of all matter entities about their relative position to each other create the realitiy of our 3D universe.

All what counts in a spiritual world is the envisioned and felt relative closeness or relative distance presented by the consciousness of all spiritual matter entities. This relativity can be changed by individual decision by each entity within their individual beat. There is no measurement, there is only an individual felt closeness or distance, compared with the envisioned closeness or distance of all other entities.

However, the real coordinate space (R3) can be used to discuss the features of a 3D space. It shows that any punctiform entity is separated to any othe punctiform entity since there is always an infinite number of points between any two points in a R3 space. All spiritual entites are punctiform entities.

The threedimensional Space on the Edge of a fourdimensional Space.

Mathematicians can define a 3D space as the edge of a 4D space. The 3D space as the edge of a 4D-sphere is a curved space in itself. Linear movements in that space do not vanish at infinity, but will eventually come back to their starting point. The three-dimensional space as the edge of a four-dimensional sphere would solve the problem that photons would disappear in infinity if they do not collide with anything under a law that photons are restricted to move linearly only. 

We humans can imagine only worlds below a 4D world. For better understanding imagine an 2D circular universe which we call circle. The edge of this 2D universe is a 1D space which we call circle perimeter. If we increase the dimensions by one, then we come to a 3D universe which we call a sphere. The edge of this 3D universe is a 2D area which we call the surface of a sphere. If we increase the dimensions again by one, we come to a 4D space , we have no dedicated name for. The edge of such a 4D universe would be a 3D sphere. I call this type of space a R3/4.

Even this space R3/4 is a real coordinate space in which all points have no direct neighbor. There is always an infinite number of points between all arbitrary two points in space.


We humans are complex macro-entities made for the macro-world. We are very, very restricted to experience any fine details below our resolution capability of our senses which are restricted to about one hundredths of a millimeter. Everything which happens within 0.2 seconds is perceived as one activity, because our personal beat of awareness is about 0.2 seconds. Our Experience-Entity is not able to experience the matter entities directly without the senses of our body. Only our Body-Entity is presenting them to our mind, what ever all its receptors are telling him.

His receptors are telling him only their felt relative closeness or felt relative distance of other matter entities impacting the receptors. The Body-Entity summarizes all of the receptors signals to the experience of the moment via its neuron network. Then he is presenting the result to our mind, to our Experience-Entity.

Scientists want to measure absolutely

Scientists want to be able to measure the experienced closeness or our experienced distance in absolute units. They overcome this problem of an only felt (experienced) distance by using a small physical space quantum as a measuring unit. They use a certain photon which teleports from one location to the next location during one universal beat. Lets call this distance a basestep.

They use this quantum basestep as a norming measure in space. The three coordinates in R3 are now calibrated to the space quanta of basestep. Scientists give a multiple of basesteps to each natural number of each R3 coordinate. This helps to forget about the inwards infinity of R3, so they need not to think further over it.

Through this arbitrary spiritual act, the infinite number of points in the interior of R3 is transformed to a finite quantized scale. Through this willful act in mind, infinity is not only made finite, but it is also turned into something that correlates well with our felt experiences.

Space was so divided into workable space quanta. The actual quantization is done by assuming that this basestep is the smallest space length we can use to reliable compare distances. But keep in mind that the smallest entity is a punctiform entity. Nothing could be smaller than a point. A point in space does not exist. It is only a conceptual model for our spiritual mind. It can only be recognized by its impact to others.

Below this smallest scale of matter, nothing can be measured in physics. In mathematics, there is still an infinity. It makes virtually no sense to want to look at something smaller if there is nothing smaller. Because there is nothing smaller with which we could compare it. Our measurement methods always rely on a comparison with matter entities.

The quantization of space helps scientists to measure universe, but it does not help to understand the realitiy of universe. These fake-measurements obscure the reality of only felt distances which can only experienced by spiritual entities

We humans can only envision a 3D space. This spiritual restriction must have a reason. We humans consider our experienced space as a space where we are in the center and everything else has a distance to us, an imaginated capability towards us and a certain movement in relation to us. This is our felt reality. This is the way, we explore the universe.

Mathematicians have developed a model that makes space computable by the idea of a coordinate system of three number lines of real numbers which are all perpendicular to each other. Through this fiction of a space coordinate system, any point in space can be referenced to the point of origin. It is the zero point on all three coordinates. 

There is no excellent point in the universe

Without a coordinate system there is no particular point in universe to reference. The point of origin can be put at any point in universe for the ease of calculations, because there is no disdinguished point in universe, exept, our mind defines one.

The number line of real numbers consists of an infinite number of representatives of positive integers and an infinite number of representatives of negative integers with zero in the middle.

The real number line also tells us that all the units in turn are composed of an infinite number of parts, if we imagine a continuum. There are no gaps between the units, the integers. Each point between the units is corresponding to a real number. We therefore speak of a continuum.

If we want to move to the next unit from one unit and want to visit any point in between, then we will never arrive. There are infinite times infinite number of points on the real number line.

A point is a spiritual measure

What is a point? One point is also an Ur-idea of ​​our consciousness. A point has a zerodimension, or it is dimensionless. It does not exist. It is a conceptial model required to form our Ur-Idea of a threedimensional space. In our conception of real space it is strictly nothing and yet we can imagine it, if we take an infinite number of points that can result in something real, finite, it can be something tangible. In our consciousness we can do this border crossing of making a infinite number of infinitely little to a limited, little real in our mind.

Our spirit turns infinity into finitude

This ability to imagine something real that conceptually consists of infinitely many, infinitely small, is a necessary condition for a space or a universe as we experience it in our consciousness.

Without this ability of our consciousness, there would be no other spatial ability, like our vision for example. The properties of a single visible point in our field of view exist only as a signal in the connected neuron to this photoreceptor.

Therefore, a visible surface consists of a finite number of signals of the affected photoreceptors. The spatial arrangement of photoreceptors in the retina provide a raster image of this area. Our BodyEntity generates an imagination from this limited, relative small number of photoreceptors for us without gaps between the grid points of the photoreceptors.

We are experiencing a continuous surface which is theoretically an infinite number of points. Here a conscious mind makes from a few points in this area a continuum with a defined edge.

It is similar with our length and distance experience. We learn to develop even as a toddler a sense of lengths and distances. Our individual reference point for lengths and distances is our body. How big something appears to us depends very much on our sense of touch and reach. How far away something appears to us depends on our experience how big the effort is to get there. Size and distance are individually different experiences.

Thus lengths and distances are described to be equal for everyone, we have invented the standards for physical quantities. These standards are based on physical phenomena of nature, which we regard as constant and never change.

Our body sets the reality

The units on the number lines of spatial coordinates are now of these standardized values ​​or multiples. But for our individual experience, it is our body that sets these units. Our experience is always individual, never standardized.

The real three-dimensional mathematical space consists of (infinity times infinity) times (infinite times infinite) times (infinite times infinite) number of points. Our experienced space consists only of sensations that are always relative to our experienced effect.

The theory of being, which operates only with ExperienceEntities must find a way how the consciousness of space has come into the world. There must be a logical development of cosmic consciousness for the origin of the universe and its evolution. All facts of physics must find a reason in this development.

The results of the double-slit experiment are certainly easier to explain if we assume that photons are ExperienceEntities with a goal to achieve an objective having an individually limited number of choices.

The experience of physics with the entanglement of particles are easier to explain if we assume that ExperienceEntities can unite under certain conditions and under different conditions separating again.

Science would have the objective to find the rules for combining, unification and splitting. If a Makroentität must dissoziate, we need to find the rules for the distribution of its consciousness contents (abilities, skills) to the individual micro-entities.  The actual distribution of all abilities need only be divided if there is a need for them to interact with other ExperiencEentities (Entanglement).

The physicists idea, that our real, experienced, threedimensional space, our universe, could be the above mathematical space (R3) is incorrect.


Ther is no reference value in an open interval (0,1) of a real space R3 without content (without units).  There is no excellent point. There is no reference distance as unit length and there is no reference volume as a unit volume. There are only infinities. Therefore, no two Experience-Entities can easily achieve a common imagination about a single point, a common distance or a common voxel or to share common ideas.

Each one will have its own understanding of an Ur-idea to tell the others, and if the other one also has an understandig about the communicated Ur- idea, he would believe to understand the other. But this must not be true. There is just a probability that they match. Just like us humans, when we speak of the color green. We use the word green for many plants. But we only know how we self experience the color green.

If an interlocutor experiences the color green just as we do, we cannot know this, but we proceed assuming this, because we all use the same word for the same green plants. But none can experience exactly the experiences of others. The common reference here is the plant and not the experience.

Everyone can therefore speek only for himself, thinking of a point, a space segment or a solid body. The good thing is, since there is no such excellent thing in the infinite R3, it does not matter what imagination of Ur-ideas the individual bears in mind, as long as the scale of various imaginated Ur-ideas are equal to the scale imaginated by other Experience-Entities.

A circle remains a circle, no matter how big or how small it is imagined. As long as there is no reference for size, all ideas are equal. A common understanding of relationships are therefore essential for a shared understanding of the world. The understanding of the relation between Ur-ideas is THE understanding.

This identity or similarity of the relations of consciousness content is a prerequisite for a jointly agreed worldview about spatial objects. This identity or similarity of the relations in all Experience-Entities can be reached by communication.

This is done instantaneously in a common space of consciousness without loss of time among all matter entities. Each matter Experience-Entity has its own individual consciousness, but this is constantly balanced by the relations of other matter Experience-Entities they interact with.

This means that all share the same Ur-ideas, and all have the same awareness of all. However the equality of all understanding will not be congruent in the mathematical sense. I think, we need to talk about similarity instead of exactness if we talk about matter entities. This could also be one cause of the uncertainty principle of physics.

Expansion of the universe

In a R3/4 space, the expansion of the universe is easier to imagine. If you define something like a diameter for a 4D sphere, then an expansion of the universe is explained by an increase in this 4D diameter.

But the expansion of the universe can also be explained by an continous dissoziation of Ur-Photons in a zerodimensional universe where each photon knows his spatial position relative to all other entities only by using the Ur-idea of a threedimensional space in mind. The dissoziation process defines a universal beat as a time standard and it is the explanation of the ever increasing number of enitites within the imagined universe, which of course requires an ever increasing envisioned space segment.

Send at Januar 1st, 2020